4 NFT Projects That Are Trending Right Now

NFTs are the acronym for non-fungible tokens. They are data units that cannot be changed once they have been created. NFTs can trademark one’s ownership of a digital asset for the art, sports, music, gaming, or collectibles industry.

Five of the popular NFT topics trending now in 2022 are:

  1. Silks
  2. Random Walk NFT
  3. LuckyBlock NFTs
  4. Guild of Guardians

Understanding the top trending NFT projects is the first step to learning to invest your crypto into a valuable digital asset.

  1. Silks

Silks is a game that you play to earn NFT tokens. It’s known as a P2E, or play-to-earn, NFT digital asset.

To play the game, you purchase virtual land and make horse stables for your racehorses. If a horse wins in real-life horse racing, then the Silk horses that represent that real horse will earn you STT. The STT is NFT tokens used to purchase goods in the game.

  1. Random Walk NFT

A Random Walk NFT is a recorded NFT image that looks like a “random walk”. It starts with one placement in one of 4 directions and then each other “step” is randomized to create the reminiscent NFT image.

They are generated from a MetaMask extension on a trader’s browser. Then, you must make sure you have enough Etherium on Arbitrum to be able to net a Random Walk NFT.

Arbitrum is an optimistic rollup crypto technology that scales Ethereum for quicker transaction times and lower fees.

To connect your MetaMask account to Arbitrum, you must:

  • Go to app.uniswap.org on your Internet browser or Google Chrome.
  • Click on “Connect Wallet” to start the process.
  • Open your MetaMask and select Ethereum Mainnet as the network name to get Arbitrum connected to MetaMask.
  • Enter the network details exactly as you see them on UniSwap.
  • Click on the “save” button to officially connect to the Arbitrum network.

It’s completely free to create Random Walk NFTs.

  1. Lucky Block NFTs

Lucky Block NFTs can be earned by playing decentralized lottery games. Participating in these games will allow you to be entered into daily lottery drawings so that you can earn 2% of the lottery drawing if you are selected as the winner. The possible earnings usually total $10,000.

As there are only 10,000 Lucky Block tokens available, they are highly valuable as time goes on and can be sold and purchased just like regular cryptocurrency.

  1. Guild of Guardians

Guild of Guardians is an RPG fantasy game that allows you to earn NFTs as you play a fun game on your smartphone.

Utilizing Web3 technologies on their gaming system, the “Founder Heroes”, one of the in-game assets, are NFTs that can be formed on the Ethereum blockchain.

When the game was released free to the public, over 130,000 were put on the waiting list, which shows its popularity as an NFT project.

Final Thoughts on NFT Projects Trending in 2022

Other trending play-to-earn (P2E) NFT projects include Rich Cats Nation and Meta Triads. They operate like other P2E games where in-game assets are NFTs.

Jump on the NFT projects trending in 2022 so that you can engage in a fun way of investing in cryptocurrency today!