What is naturopathy? Treatments and approaches

We must have all heard the popular saying that “Nature has answers to all our problems.” If you think about it enough, you will find out that it is only true. We are a product of nature. So, it only makes sense that nature holds power to fix us. No matter what the ailment is, nature will have an ointment for it. Based on a similar philosophy, there is a way of healing, and we call it naturopathy. What is it, how does it treat, and what are its approaches are some topics that we have discussed below.

What is naturopathy

As the name suggests, naturopathy implements the use of natural therapies to heal. Naturopathy sees the mind, body, and spirit as one. Hence, it carries an extremely holistic approach. Naturopathy was birthed in 400 BC at the Hippocratic School of Medicine by the Greek philosopher Hippocrates. He understood that in order to identify a disease, the person needs to be examined as a whole. To cure the disease, he would use natural ways and the laws of nature. Below we have mentioned the basic principles of naturopathy.

  • Nature has immense healing power. It has the answer to all of our problems.
  • In order to identify the cause of the problem, the person needs to be viewed as a whole. There is always an underlying cause that gave birth to the problem. It doesn’t matter whether the problem is physical or emotional.
  • Naturopathy will not do you any other harm while treating your problem.
  • While a person is being treated for a problem, all aspects of their being will be taken into consideration, the mind, the body, and the spirit.
  • Naturopathy believes in teaching the patient while treating them. A naturopath will tell you a lot about self-care.
  • A naturopath believes that “prevention is better than cure.”

Treatments used by naturopathy

Naturopathy uses a wide range of activities and processes to treat patients. We have listed some of them below.

  • Reflexology
  • Acupuncture
  • Therapy
  • Knee Pack, Neck Pack, Wet Girdle Pack
  • Spinal Bath, Spinal Spray Bath
  • Steam Bath, Sauna Bath
  • Hot & Cold Fomentation
  • Wet Sheet Pack, Chest Pack, Abdomen Pack, Trunk Pack
  • Deluxe Hydro Massage, Jacuzzi
  • Whirlpool Bath
  • Colour Therapy
  • Acupressure
  • Foot Bath, Arm Bath
  • Hot and Cold Water Douches, Effusions
  • Underwater Exercises
  • Colon Irrigation
  • Immersion Bath, Friction Bath
  • Enema-Warm Water, ButterMilk, Tender Coconut Water, etc.
  • Mud Bath, Underground Mud Bath, Mud Pool Bath
  • Circular Jet Bath
  • Sun Bath, Colour Sun Bath (Chromo Bath),
  • Green Leaves Sun Bath
  • Hip Bath
  • Mud pack, Mud Applications
  • Physiotherapy Treatments – Exercise Therapy, Electro
  • Magnet Therapy

Naturopathic approaches

Naturopathy, as we mentioned before, believes in seeing the mind, the body, and the spirit as a whole. So, it can be said that naturopathy carries a holistic approach. In this approach, the patient is cured of not just the physical aspect of their problem but also the mental and spiritual impact of it. Naturopathy is an extensive approach to conclude it.