Top 15 Marketing Blogs That All Marketers Should Follow

Marketers and aspiring marketers must know this. Marketing is a constantly and rapidly evolving field. They must keep up with changing trends.

But how do they do so? Marketing blogs, for one, serve as a great resource to all marketers and business owners.

Whenever we need to read up on the latest marketing news, there are always a set of blogs that we will always fall back to. These resources provide insights, advice, guidance, and inspiration on how you can improve your marketing strategy.

That said, here are the top 15 marketing blogs that all marketers should follow.

1) HubSpot Blog

The HubSpot blog is one of the most popular marketing blogs online with over 300,000 subscribers. It offers top marketing tips, tools, techniques, and case studies to help you grow your business.

2) markonmag Blog

marconmag is a free online marketing magazine aimed primarily at marketing students. It publishes providing helpful information that guides them on the various types of marketing fields, navigating university courses, internships, and even exchange programs. markonmag is the go-to marketing for students who want to get a head start in their marketing careers.

3) Writing Wildly

In case you haven’t heard it yet, content is king. And no one does written content better than the team over at Writing Wildly. It is a platform where you can engage freelance writing services in Singapore. Their team consists of a group of professional freelance writers who specialize in niches such as SaaS, food, and travel content. They share amazing tips on content writing that everyone should refer to.

4) Social Media Examiner

The Social Media Examiner blog provides top social media tips that will help you maximize ROI from your social media activities. You can sign up for their newsletter which is packed full of insightful articles on how to use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.. to market your brand online.

5) Search Engine Journal

Search Engine Journal provides top SEO and content marketing news and advice to help marketers promote their products and services more effectively. You can also sign up for their newsletter which contains top posts on link building, social media marketing, blogging, video marketing, etc..

6) Conversion XL

Conversion XL is a top blog on CRO. They provide top 10 lists of the most popular conversion rate optimization tools, resources, and techniques. If you are looking to improve your website’s lead generation, sales or ROI this is a must-read blog!

7) KISSmetrics Blog

The KISSmetrics blog is a top resource for inbound marketers who want to boost site traffic and increase customer acquisition rates. The top posts on this blog will teach you how to measure your marketing efforts, get more traffic and make your customers happier.

8) SocialTriggers

This top marketing blog provides top advice on social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and other topics relevant to entrepreneurs who want to grow their business. Plus, you can sign up for the weekly newsletter where they provide top posts of what you need to know about social media and online marketing right now!

9) Moz

Moz is one of the top resources for SEO news and advice. Their top posts are written by industry experts with years of experience in search engine optimization so they’ll definitely help marketers get ahead of the competition. They also have top posts on link building, web design, content marketing, etc.

10) Search Engine Journal

This top blog has top articles on local search engine optimization, paid search marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and more. You can also sign up for their newsletter which is packed full of top tips to help your business get ahead in today’s competitive digital world!

11) Copyblogger

Copyblogger provides top resources for marketers who want to learn how to write better copy – online or offline – through blogging, landing pages, emails, etc.. They also provide top resources on how to get more shares for your blog posts via social media. Plus they even have a copywriting course that teaches you everything about effective copywriting!

12) Social Media Examiner

The top posts on the Social Media Examiner blog are perfect for digital marketers who want to know more about Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.. They also have top posts on content marketing, email marketing, and blogging.

13) ProBlogger

This top blog has top posts on blogging tips and advice for beginners to advanced marketers who want to build a successful business around their blog.

14) Search Engine Watch

Search Engine Watch is one of the top resources for SEO news and advice. They also have top articles on link building techniques, managing online reviews, content marketing etc.

15) Content Marketing Institute

The Content Marketing Institute (CMI) aims to advance the practice of content marketing through online education and in-person and digital events. They create and curate content to teach marketers from various backgrounds and fields.

Which marketing blog are you going to follow?

And here you go!

These are the top marketing blogs all marketers and aspiring marketers should follow.

Regardless of whether you want to keep up with marketing trends or improve your marketing knowledge, the marketing blogs on this list are definitely your go-to resources.