Quest Food Management Services Seeing the Benefits from Employee Appreciation

Whenever employees feel valued at an organization, they go above and beyond in supporting their teammates. They are more accountable in doing their part in a project, and they are happier in their roles.  Above all else, they feel a sense of dedication and loyalty even during challenging times. But just how long can the loyalty last when you are furloughed?

Quest Food Management Services a food service contractor in Lombard, Illinois is one of many companies facing the challenge of rehiring furloughed employees as their dining partners begin to reopen over the next several months.  If the past two weeks are any indication about how their employees feel about returning it may be a very good sign that they did some things “right” to hold onto their employees.

Efforts to rehire ramped up at the end of December just as many schools throughout the Midwest including Illinois and Indiana decided to return to in-classroom learning – or some measure of it.  Quest’s outreach to get employees back on payroll was determined and seems to have paid off.  From the last payroll in December to the first in January Quest successfully reactivated 150 employees.  Those are staggering results so we asked them how they did it.

Quest Food Management Services Never Stopped Caring about their Employees

From day one of the pandemic which hit Quest Food Management hard – the leadership never stopped fighting to keep their people paid.  The payroll loan made available through the CARES act was a very important step one; but, then that ended and Quest Food Management had a responsibility to still provide support for the employees that had been laid off.

To help employees, Quest Food Management Services set up Financial Assistance programs, a Go Fund Me page, and continued to offer services to keep employees engaged such as webinars on budgeting, staying active and healthy, and many more. All these services were offered to help employees realize they are all valued.

There were food pantries set up around the city to help supplement groceries and staple items such as paper towels and cleaners which helped the employees in times of need and also connected with them because they felt like they were cared for and that leadership understood their hardships.

Quest Offers Resources to their Employees

The company doesn’t just stick to work-related issues- they try to help employees with emotional and personal problems as well.  Hotlines and webinars related to mental health and home finance and budgets were set up.  The managers at each of the units/schools were reaching out on a regular basis to just touch base and check on their employees.  They wrote note cards, sent text messages, and shared inspirational video messages from their President, Nick Saccaro.

This kind of support creates loyalty and a valuable and unbreakable bond between all parties involved. The handwritten notes go a long way in situations like a global pandemic or a holiday. The executives, including the president, send out emails and thank you notes around Christmas, Thanksgiving, or any other special day to show gratitude and appreciation. Employees are also recognized on their birthdays and anniversaries which further instills a feeling of appreciation and reinforces they are a valuable member of the Quest team.

Relate to Employees

Quest’s president has managed to form a culture where employees feel empowered. In an era where we are fighting for equality at the workplace, Quest has decided to keep communication open in order to relate to their employees.

Quest Food Management Services executives always put themselves on common ground by living by their mission, vision, and values.  This means they lead by example and when something doesn’t go right the situation is owned and repaired. This more vulnerable reaction is honest and makes the employees feel at home.

Personal Interest in Every Quest Food Management Employee

Although the company policy prohibits gossip and respects privacy, the president believes that it is possible to show care and concern without overstepping boundaries. It is hard for the employees to manage tasks and concentrate when their leader fails to take time out for them. Quest’s president is never too busy for a little chat. Quest Food Management Services executives initiate conversations with employees to ensure that they feel respected and valued.

Creating Opportunities for Employees

Employees deserve to experience new things. That is why Quest pays keen attention to an employee’s interests regarding different aspects of the business. Managers encourage employees to acknowledge their interests by giving them opportunities to think out of the box, share ideas, and attend meetings and training that encourage employee promotion.

Moreover, the management gives them opportunities to work with diverse clients to develop different skill sets. Working in other client accounts not just their own, Quest Food Management Employees learn to manage different customers, clients, and workplace cultures.


If a Quest Food Management employee asks for feedback, the managers are honest with them. They are not unkind in their remarks, but they make sure to be clear about what is going well and what can be improved. Transparency builds through critical communication.

The Bottom Line

A culture of employee appreciation comes down to the small acts. It’s also crucial to never take employees for granted. As a prosperous organization, Quest Food Management Services tries to find a middle ground with their employees and appreciate them for who they are, how they represent the brand, and what they do for the company.