More To Life Than Double Entry Bookkeeping

While there are some entrepreneurs who hit their stride coming right out of the gate, others need to practice their craft until they have the knowledge base to strike off totally on their own and build the company of their dreams. Not everybody has the courage to surrender the perks of life in the C Suite of a major corporation in order to run the risk of potentially helming their own personal Titanic. For those who dare and win however, the financial rewards and personal satisfaction can be enormous.

In the case of Ian C Denholm ProPetro seemed to offer the perfect match for his talents. Holder of a Masters Degree from Texas Tech University, Denholm worked his way into the position of Chief Accounting Officer for the Midland, TX based oil field services company. Yet something else called out to him, something that was beyond the mere tallying up of numbers in a column. Forced to decide if this was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life, the answer was clearly “No”.

This led to Denholm’s 2019 departure from the company. Afterwards, Ian struck out in pursuit of his own personal goal, which was to organize a company that would put state-of-the-art financial services at the disposal of people who were eager to make a difference in the world. In many cases, however, zeal and good corporate governance were not in total alignment. This spelled opportunity to a man who was fully cognizant of the underlying fundamentals necessary to run any large scale operation in accordance with generally accepted and mandatory business practices.

His brainchild, Conquistador Capital, was organized specifically to provide crucial accountability to organizations operating in the so-called ESG, or Environmental, Social, and Governance space. Yet the desire to make the world a better place still requires mundane considerations such as meeting payroll and watching that expenses don’t get out of hand through misplaced zeal to be all things to everyone.

Conquistador is eager to take startups under their wing and show them how to place their future growth prospects on a firm financial foundation. As Ian himself puts it, “By partnering up with these enterprises, we can help them grow and we grow right alongside them.”  That commitment to collaborative growth is his own secret formula for success, and it has worked out well so far.

For Ian C Denholm Midland Texas is as good a place as any to operate his company from. In today’s Internet world, there are no bad neighborhoods. One can get most things done virtually, and Ian saw no need to uproot his family in order to satisfy his quest for vindication. Conquistador continues to grow even as it helps other companies expand their opportunities.

Inside the company, Ian inculcates his own values of open-mindedness, receptivity to new technological solutions, and adherence to living an ethical life in both the personal and business spheres. Ian knows that wanting to change the world is a great thing. So too is keeping an honest set of books.