Low or high volatility?

If you’re familiar in a casino, the dilemma of low or high volatility is probably a common one for you. For both instances something can be said, as they both have pros and cons. In this blog, we want to compare the two by listing these pros and cons, so you can make up the decision for yourself.

Low volatility

If a game has a low volatility, it means that the chances of winning this game are quite high. But, because this is the case, your return won’t be very high. Low volatility games are perfect for slow players, as you need a lot of patience for these games to get a nice return. However, this can also be seen as a challenge: it could be said that winning a big amount of money with low volatility games can be harder than with high volatility games, as you’ll need to win a lot more times for this to happen. People tend to choose low volatility games over high volatility games, because it takes a lot less risk.

High volatility

Are you not afraid of losing some money, if it means you can come home having won the jackpot? High volatility games are perfect for you then! These games are the exact opposite compared to low volatility games: the odds on winning are low, but this makes the return a lot higher. It’s likely that winning will take a lot of attempts, but the return should be worth it. High volatility games are very popular within casinos, as people tend to come there wanting to win a lot of money. Overall, most casino players don’t have the most patience, which means it’s unlikely they’ll choose low volatility games over high volatility games.


A great example of a game that can have both low- and high volatility, are slots machines. These machines show the pay-out percentage, which is basically the same as the volatility of the game. Is this percentage high, the odds on winning are low. The gameplay for all these machines is the exact same, it’s just the RNG (Random Number Generator) is coded differently.

Do you fancy giving a slots machine a go? We recommend visiting an online casino, such as Betfinal. It’s up to you whether you want to go for low or high volatility, but we suggest not playing too safe, as the chances of losing your money exist in both variants. Good luck!